
The Virtual Field creates and shares virtual teaching materials and events from field stations, marine laboratories and other research or educational sites around the world.

Collaborative virtual projects teach field skills, such as observation, communication, and critical thinking. Associated instructional materials are designed for university faculty and are being adapted for students of all ages and disciplines.

The Virtual Field is a project of the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) and began as a grassroots effort by field stations and marine laboratories (FSMLs), faculty, teachers, and technology experts to connect people of all ages to ecosystems around the world. TVF has expanded and today includes many partnering organizations.

Project Collaborators

Into the Future

We encourage field stations to use this platform to share virtual materials, in order to help demonstrate the vital role that such stations can serve in increasing observational skills and environmental literacy for students of all disciplines.  This approach is particularly powerful, as students can be exposed to a wide range of habitats and environments that they would otherwise never see, except as mentioned in a textbook.  By sharing virtual educational materials, field stations can increase public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology.  Faculty should feel free to contact the Virtual Field Team with ideas and suggestions for topics and locations.

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