HMSC Science On Tap- Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021
Speaker: Will White, Associate Professor, Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences, Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center
Topic: Marine reserves-Essential for conservation or a threat to fisheries?
Marine reserves are in the news. Locally, Oregon’s decade-old program of 5 coastal protected areas is up for statewide review next year. Globally, advocates of ’30 x 30′ are calling for nations to set aside 30% of ocean waters by 2030.
What are marine reserves, and what are they good for? Advocates for heightened protections point to the threat of overfishing and the need to protect habitats from the threat of climate change. Detractors argue that reserves unnecessarily lock away valuable fishing grounds, and that healthy fisheries are better sustained with other means. Come learn about the evidence surrounding these issues, and the science of marine reserves and how they are assessed.
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Webinar ID: 931 5888 9737

Event Duration: 1 - 3 hours
Date: November 9, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm
End Time: 7:00 pm
Time Zone: PST