SPEAKER: Solène Derville, GEMM Lab, Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University
TOPIC: Combining aerial and boat-based surveys to model large whale habitat year-round in Oregon (OPAL project)
ABSTRACT: Whale entanglement in fishing gear has become a pressing concern in US West Coast waters. The OPAL project (Overlap Predictions About Large whales) lead by the GEMM Lab at OSU since February 2019 aims to produce accurate predictive models of whale distribution off the Oregon coast. In collaboration with ODFW, predictions of whale density and distribution will be applied in assessments of overlap with fishing activities to advise management efforts to reduce entanglement risk. To date, more than 70 monthly repeat surveys have been conducted onboard United States Coast Guard (USCG) helicopters flying out of stations in Astoria, Newport, and North Bend. Three years of boat-based surveys (2018-2021) onboard the R/V Oceanus and Shimada were pooled with this substantial aerial dataset to generate a year-round assessment of cetacean occurrence in Oregon from multiple platforms of observation. A distance sampling protocol allowed the estimation of whale density while accounting for variable detection and survey effort. Various statistical modeling approaches are used to generate species distribution models that relate whale occurrence with topography (depth, seabed slope, etc.) and dynamic oceanographic conditions, both remotely sensed and extracted from regional ocean modeling systems (temperature, sea level anomaly, eddy kinetics, chlorophyll-a, etc.). As the OPAL project is ongoing, I will present an update on survey efforts in the field, the analysis of distance sampling from multiple platforms and preliminary results on whale distribution models.
DATE: Thursday, March 25, 2021
TIME: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
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Date: March 25, 2021
Time: 3:30 PM
End Time: 4:30 PM
Time Zone: PST - Pacific Standard Time