Take a field trip to field stations and marine laboratories around the world and discover the processes that shape the world around you.
Choose one of the terrestrial, freshwater or marine videos. On each video page, you will find:
- An Ecosystem Video where researchers take you on a guided, but unnarrated, tour of their study site.
- Explorer Guides that help you explore the video as you build your powers of observation and identify processes that shape ecosystems. Sites followed by * have Find Evidence exercises available.
Search Results:

A walk through an endemic scrubland in the Florida subtropics
drought adaptation, disturbance-fire, regeneration, ecosystem engineers, conservation

A walk from the outer edge to open water in a freshwater marsh in Ohio.
physiological tolerance, decomposition, types of decomposition, research, climate change

Ecology and formative processes of a Chestnut Oak Forest in New York.
climate change, reproduction & recruitment, fire adaptation, forest regeneration, soil depth & structure, disease

A trail through a diverse Maple-basswood-oak forest in Minnesota
vegetation gradients, mutualism, canopy structure, decomposition, native species

An exploration of flora and fauna in a temperate grassland in Minnesota
grass diversity, ecotonal boundary, mutualism, native species

A walk along a boardwalk in a white cedar swamp in Minnesota
forest ecology, soil, shallow roots and windthrow, microhabitats, cedar adaptations

A forested watershed in an agricultural community in the tropics of Mexico.
competition, erosion, deforestation, sexual selection, water cycle

Exploration of the Lake George watershed in New York state
tree diversity, succession, geology, tributary structure, invasive species

Adaptations to living in an alkali basin in the east Mojave Desert of California
climate, drought adaptation, microclimate, behavioral adaptation, invasive species, fire, & research

Biodiversity of oak woodland in northern California
biodiversity, canopy structure, soil & soil compaction, invasive species, plant disease